
Tuesday 25 July 2017

It's Bragging Time!

Hey guys. I know, I know, I've been terrible at updating this as always but I'm back (again!).
This one will be a short post to get me back into it because it's time to brag & I can't help myself. You may remember that I posted back in January that the Soska sisters were running a competition to 'Swede' their masterpiece American Mary.
Well me & two friends (plus a cameo from my Mum) got together one Saturday to film our effort. I had a lot of fun and I was very proud of what we created, even though I'm definitely not an actress.
Since then I've received very exciting emails telling me we were finalists and complimenting our work. I then got to see something I created go up on the Twisted Twins YouTube page and get 250ish views. The excitement continued today when I received the prize; a HUGE American Mary poster signed by the Soskas and Tristan Risk encouraging us to keep being creative.
Knowing that they've seen & liked something I made means so much to me & to have that on my wall as a visual reminder is just the icing on the cake.
Check out American Mary if you haven't already and eagerly await their Rabid remake as I am doing.
If you want to watch our entry, & I'd love you for it, it's here:
It comes up with other entries 'up next' they were all awesome so you should check them out too.
Thanks for reading my rambling brag if you made it this far!