
Monday, 2 November 2015

100 Horror Films Challenge Final Update

So, the challenge is over and I failed miserably! Here's the final few days:

Day 25:
- The Lazarus Effect (Horror/Sci-Fi/Thriller)

Day 26:
- Circle (Drama/Horror/Sci-Fi)

Day 27:
- Paranormal Activity 4 (Horror)

Day 28:
- Honeymoon (Horror/Romance/Thriller)

Day 29:
- Scream Queens (Comedy/Horror, 45 minutes, WILD CARD FOUR)

Day 30:
- Absolutely nothing!

Day 31:
- Zero!

As I decided to be sociable with friends I had one of the best Halloween weekends of my life (went a live horror maze for the first time ever, had a night out dressed as a zombie cheerleader, and carved pumpkins) but it didn't involve any horror as it usually would!

This leaves my final count at 36 films instead of 100! Believe it or not I am actually fairly happy with this as it averages out at more than one a day and it's still more horror films than I would usually watch in a month. 

I'm going to post some reviews of the highs and lows of the challenge over the next week or so and then try the challenge again next year because why not? I hope you all had a great Halloween!

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