
Thursday, 18 January 2018

The Midnight Man Trailer Review

I had to watch this trailer a few times to take it in because the first time I was just freaking out over the fact that two masters of horror, Robert Englund & Lin Shaye are in another movie together (I know they're both in 2001 Maniacs, if you know of any others please let me know, they're two of my favourite actors).

I think the movie has a lot of potential and it certainly looks scary, I like the mix of the typical horror movie teenagers with the older Lin Shaye & Robert Englund as I wonder if life experience will make a huge difference in how they react or if fear is fear.

The only concern I have at this stage is that the movie looks very dark, I mean literally not in terms of content. I get that most scary things happen at night in horror movies but I can't stand feeling like I'm squinting to see the action so I hope it's a letter better lit than the trailer makes it seem, although it will probably be better on a big screen anyway and this is definitely a cinema watch!

It's not a dig at this movie because it looks brilliantly made but the main thing that baffles me about movies like this is how readily the characters jump into ghost games. Now don't get me wrong I've been on ghost hunts but a) I think you're primed on them so most of what you see/hear is a sort of group hysteria and b) I think in general ghosts are just leftover energy playing itself out & I wouldn't risk it if I thought there was a chance of negative effects. If you ever say to me 'let's play a game where if your candle goes out & isn't re-lit within 10 seconds or you break the salt circle then the Midnight Man will find you and make you live out your worst fear' and I say yes then run like the wind because I've already been possessed by something!

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