
Monday, 26 February 2018

Soska Sisters Massive Blood Drive Part 1

As you may or may not know, February is Women in Horror month! That also means it's time for the Soska Sisters Blood Drive PSAs.

The pair do this every year to promote the incredibly important cause of blood donation & the theme this year was rightfully 'be a hero'. Here in the UK we need 6,000 donations per day so if you can be one of those heroes visit to find a donation session near you.

This year was the biggest year yet for the Blood Drive with 28 PSAs, one from a different filmmaker every day so plenty of inspiration to get your red stuff flowing! It attracted a massively high level of talent as always & they're all worth watching but some aren't for the easily grossed out!

I'm a little behind with them, the last one was released two days ago, so this post will highlight the first 14, then a second post will follow in a few days for the other half when I'm caught up.

Day 1: Be Positive by Joe Magna
This one was a great way to start, a funny ending & a great big screw you to Harvey Winesnob!

Day 2: Be A Hero by Vanessa Ionta Wright
Short but sweet, stunning visuals & very literal with the theme.

Day 3: Sanguino by Dana Noffke
Black & white fun, some great visuals effects & proof everyone likes jam sandwiches 😂. Starring Madaline Brumby & an 8-year-old monster maker!

Day 4: The Coming Dawn Ministry by Mark Alan Miller & Christian Francis
This one's very creepy! Great acting & the end was superb. The sound is a little quiet near the beginning but it kicks in louder at the end so don't turn it up too high & deafen yourself like I did!

Day 5: Got Blood? by Aislinn Clarke
Another short but sweet one, I loved the style of this one & it was hilarious. Lots of blood thrown around in this one & make sure to look for a funny addition to the end of the credits.

Day 6: Red Light by Lex Lybrand
Subtitled (these filmmakers are from across the world) & with a moment you won't see coming. Interesting filming style too.

Day 7: Type O Negative Man by Maude Michaud
I think this is my favourite so far. A hilarious  mockumentary with a great cast & makes sure it gets the serious message across too.

Day 8: Party Prick by Samantha Hawkins & Kimberley Pipkin
This one is by a team who were one of the winners of the American Mary Sweden competition & this is in a similar style. Another one that had a lot of fun with the theme & made sure to push the message too.

Day 9: It's In You by Izzy Lee
I love how this one looks, there's a brilliant comedy twist & the monster design is just brilliant. Apparently it's being expanded into a longer short which is brilliant news.

Day 10: My Father, My Hero by Andrew Hass & Kynda Laufmann
Another black and white one with a great concept & a sitcom laugh track which fits really well. This one was also featured on the director's local news so the important cause has had a great reach this year.

Day 11: Sammy by Aleah Anseth
This one is a bit warped but it was really on my wavelength, beautifully filmed & great child actors. Plenty of the red stuff too!

Day 12: Bitch by Stephanie Dugan
Socially relevant beginning, some gorgeous shots & a surprise comedy ending. I very much enjoyed this one.

Day 13: Haemo Eradication Services by Angela Nolan & Martyn Fleetwood
That's right I was honoured to have a slot this year! We took the theme quite literally & I hope you enjoy it, I'd love to know what you think. I can't donate blood for health reasons so I was very pleased to be able to support the cause in another way

Day 14: Donor by Atropa Films
Definitely not for the faint of heart! One of the longer & gorier entries it's all from first-person view & has an interesting story, great acting & really grossed me out!

That's it for this entry, part two coming soon, please share the PSAs because blood donation is such an important cause all year round not just February!

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